Research design

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SurveyN=5,499 panel + n = 3,207 snowball[WP 4]Qualitative data analysisDevelopment of the surveysquestionnaire &Implementation of the surveysCase StudiesMultiple-case designTypes of mobility[WP 3]1. Highereducation2. Voluntarywork3. EmploymentLuxembourgLuxembourgNorwayGermanyRomaniaHungary4. Vocationaltraining5. Pupil‘sexchange6. Entre-preneurshipGermanyRomaniaSpainHungaryNorwayFurther collection of qualitative dataQualitative data analysis• further biographical interviews with a focus on the specific mobility experiences• expert interviews with employers, politicians and organizationsSpainExplorative collection of autobiographi-cal narrative interviews with young people in every case/countrySecondary DataAnalysis[WP 2]Framing the context for the case studies according to the focused types of mobilityImpacts and relationships between socio-economic and labour market condi-tions and the regional youth mobilititesIncluding Economic AnalysisQualitative StrandQuantitative StrandCombination and evaluation of the preliminary results of the explorativecase study data and of the secondary data analysis[WP 5]Triangulation of the qualitative and quantitative resultsSynthesis of empirical results and identification of good practiceDescription of patterns of youth mobility in EuropeImprovement of the relevant sub-categorieson an economic, organizational & individual level
