
  • 2nd Progress Meeting: Productive days in the Madrid sun

    From March 15th to March 17th, the MOVE Consortium gathered in Madrid for their second progress meeting and third workshop. On the premises of the Instituto de la Juventud (INJUVE), the partners found the perfect environment to discuss current issues, next steps and welcome their new project coordinator Birte Nienaber (University of Luxembourg). The meeting started with an informative walk...

  • MOVE survey now closed

    The MOVE team wants to thank all participants of their online survey, which closed in the beginning of February. All in all, 3244 young people with mobility experience participated – a number that exceeded our expectations. The countries addressed were Spain, Norway, Germany, Luxembourg, Hungary and Romania. To learn the latest news on project activities and results, please stay in touch by...

  • Experts’ discussions on youth mobility: MOVE’s Open Dialogue Day

    On February 9th, MOVE partners University of Luxembourg and ERYICA held a very inspiring and successful Open Dialogue Day on Youth Mobility and Youth Transitions in Brussels. The event offered a great opportunity of exchange between youth workers, policy makers and other stakeholders in the field of youth mobility. Scientists working in the MOVE project and the YMobility project - another...

  • New MOVE article published by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation

    MOVE partners Alice Altissimo, Andreas Herz and Wolfgang Schröer have published an article in the magazine “WISO DIREKT”, published by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. The article “Jugendmobilität: Europäische Zivilgesellschaft stärken” discusses the impact of mobility policies on European civil society and migration patterns. Furthermore, social and political attitudes of young Europeans towards...

  • MOVE organises Open Dialogue Day on Youth Mobility and Youth Transitions

    MOVE partners ERYICA and the University of Luxembourg invite all interested parties to their Open Dialogue Day on Youth Mobility and Youth Transitions in Brussels on February 9th. The whole-day event will be hosted by the Bureau International Jeunesse and is divided into three parts: The European case studies on youth mobility will be presented by different European stakeholders and policy...

  • MOVE welcomes new academic advisor

    The MOVE consortium is very happy to welcome a new external advisor to the project. Dr. Valentina Cuzzocrea joins the Academic Advisory Board in MOVE to support the project with her expertise in the field of mobility. Dr. Cuzzocrea is a sociologist and joined the Max Weber Centre for Advanced Cultural and Social Studies at University of Erfurt as a Junior Fellow (under the H2020 MSCC for senior...

  • EPLM autumn newsletter published

    The autumn newsletter of the European Platform on Learning Mobility has been published. It provides information from European stakeholders in the field of learning mobility for young people giving insights from practice, research and policy. The newsletter also gives a short overview over the latest steps taken in the MOVE project. You can download the EPLM autumn newsletter here.

  • Zugangsstudie-meeting in Bonn

    MOVE at the Zugangsstudie-meeting in Bonn

    At the end of November representatives of the MOVE project, Karen Hemming and Frank Tillmann from the German Youth institute (DJI), met YMobility-Consortium partners and researchers of the PIRATS-study during a network meeting of the “Warum nicht?-Zugangsstudie” in Bonn. The coordinating team of the Zugangsstudie invited the representatives of the different research endeavors to strengthen an...