Research Questions
MOVE goes beyond the results of the current state of research and asks how the mobility of young people can be ‘good’ both for socio-economic development and for individual growth of young people, and what factors foster / hinder such beneficial mobility?
The project will further ask:
- Which kind of mobility patterns emerge at the intersection of legal and organisational frames (including virtual platforms) and the personal situation of young mobile people (including purposes and length of stay, interests, access to information and counselling, language competences, diversity competences, personal social networks, gender, impairment, and the socio-economic background)?
- How are socio-economic background, gender, impairments, institutional and macro-specific constraints relevant for the achievement of agency of the young people?
- How are different forms of mobility linked, support or hinder each other, and how do the patterns of mobility integrate different forms of mobility?
- What are the effects of staying and working abroad on the individual life and career planning (including the development of identification with Europe) and how do employers evaluate them (also regarding informal and formal acquisition and recognition of skills)?
- What is the impact of mobility / immobility on national economies and especially what are the conditions in which mobility helps to aggravate or even reinforces labour market disparities?