Final MOVE stakeholder workshop in Loccum
On 9-10th November 2017, the final German stakeholder workshop of the MOVE project entitled „Jugendmobilität als europäische Strategie. Wer und was bewegt Jugendliche?” (Youth mobility as European strategy: who and what moves young people) was held in Loccum, Germany. The event was organized by the German MOVE partners, University of Hildesheim and the German Youth Institute, together with the Evangelische Akademie Loccum (namely Dr. Joachim Lange, member of the German National Expert Committee of MOVE).
Central project results were presented and discussed with experts from Science, practice and policy. The exciting debate centered around equal opportunities to become mobile, adequate support structures and on personal and societal effects of youth mobility. Moreover, there was a vivid discussion on the voluntary and compulsory character of mobility for today´s young people and on the unique value of experiences abroad in an increasingly complex and insecure world, aside of formal educational exploitation demands.
The event was greatly supported by the members of the German Expert Committee of MOVE and their valuable expertise.
A conference documentation is in progress and will be available in Spring 2018.